We’re empowering Catholic parishes to create their own podcast

The Parish Podcast Project is revolutionizing the way local Catholic parishes communicate with their communities by empowering them to create and launch their own podcasts. By providing tailored content, technical support, and strategic guidance, we enable parishes to share their unique message and the richness of Catholic teachings with a wider audience. Through podcasting, parishes can strengthen their connections with parishioners, engage new listeners, and inspire spiritual growth, ultimately fostering a more vibrant and connected Catholic community!

Our mission

We're a 501c3 non-profit that believes that podcasting is a powerful tool for Catholic parishes to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and build community within the Church. Our mission is to empower parishes to start their own podcasts, with training, support, and resources to help them succeed!

Podcasts offer a convenient and accessible medium for busy parishioners and those seeking spiritual nourishment in their daily lives. As an on-demand platform, podcasting allows listeners to engage with parish content at their own pace, whether they're commuting, exercising, or taking a quiet moment for reflection. By embracing this modern form of communication, parishes can create meaningful connections with people of all ages, fostering a sense of community and belonging that transcends physical boundaries.

Moreover, the Parish Podcast Project's focus on empowering local parishes allows for a diverse range of voices and perspectives to be shared within the Catholic Church. Each parish's unique culture, history, and spiritual insights can be showcased through their podcast, enriching the broader Catholic dialogue and fostering a deeper understanding of the faith. By providing the necessary tools and support, the Parish Podcast Project is not only enabling parishes to embrace the digital age but is also contributing to the growth and resilience of the Catholic Church in the modern world.

Americans Who Have Listened to a Podcast
Americans Who Listen to Podcasts Monthly
Americans Who Listen to Podcasts Weekly
Podcast Listeners 34yrs and younger

Talk to Us!

We’re here to help you get started in Podcasting

We love to talk to parish priests about getting started and we also work with dioceses who are intersted in a strategic approach to starting multiple parish podcasts.

What We Provide

We help parishes launch their own podcast and handle audio production, mastering as well as Catholic content. Each parish podcast has a "local" segment produced by (or for) the parish and a "network" segement with general Catholic content.

Catholic Content
The Parish Podcast Project provides a diverse range of Catholic content, including scripture readings, homilies, prayers, and catechesis, tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each parish.
Comprehensive Production Services
Comprehensive Production Services: From recording and editing to mixing and mastering, our team of professional audio engineers and producers will ensure your podcast sounds polished and professional.
RSS Distribution to Major Platforms
RSS Distribution to Major Platforms: We handle the technical aspects of podcast distribution, ensuring your podcast is easily accessible to listeners on popular platforms such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Dedicated Podcast Website
Dedicated Podcast Website: Each parish receives a custom-designed website, complete with podcast episodes, show notes, and additional resources for listeners, providing a seamless online experience.
Podcast Launch Support
Our experts guide parishes through the entire launch process, from initial planning and strategy to training and resource allocation, ensuring a successful and impactful podcast debut.
Ongoing Technical Assistance
We offer ongoing technical support to address any issues and ensure the smooth operation of your podcast, allowing parish staff to focus on their core responsibilities.
Parish Community Engagement
We assist parishes in fostering a sense of community and connection among listeners, encouraging dialogue, and deepening their faith through podcast-based initiatives.
Non-Profit Support
As a 501c3 non-profit, the Parish Podcast Project offers cost-effective solutions tailored to the unique needs and budgets of Catholic parishes, ensuring that all parishes have the opportunity to share their message through podcasts, and providing grants to qualifying parishes.

New Podcasts Recently Launched

Let’s talk about your Parish Podcast

We help Catholic parishes create engaging audio podcasts and we work directly with dioceses too!

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“Providing Catholic Parishes with the resources, training, and support necessary to create and distribute high-quality podcasts that promote spiritual growth, foster community engagement, and deepen love and understanding of the Catholic faith.”

From the blog

Learn the latest at The Parish Podcast Project.

Embracing the Digital Age: The Parish Podcast Project

In today's rapidly evolving digital age, one of the most powerful tools for communication and connection often remains untapped in Catholic parishes - podcasting. For many, this is due to a lack of time or technical skills. However, the Parish Podcast Project seeks to change that narrative and bridge the gap between the Church and the digital world.

Communications Team


Milestone: Parish Podcast Project Achieves 501(c)(3) Status

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with our Parish Podcast Project community. We have been granted 501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)! This is a significant milestone for us and it opens up a world of opportunities for the Parish Podcast Project!

Communications Team


Frequently asked questions

What is the Parish Podcast Project?

The Parish Podcast Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Catholic Churches create and launch their own podcasts. Our mission is to empower parishes to share their unique messages and the richness of Catholic teachings with a broader audience, fostering spiritual growth and a more connected Catholic community.

What services does the Parish Podcast Project offer?

We provide a range of services to support parishes in creating their podcasts, including: Catholic content development, Local segment recording assistance, Production services (editing, mixing, and audio mastering), RSS distribution to popular platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, a dedicated podcast website, and ongoing support and guidance

How do we get started with the Parish Podcast Project?

To get started, simply reach out to us through the "Get in Touch" button on this page. We will discuss your parish's specific needs, help you develop a podcast strategy, and guide you through the entire process, from content creation to distribution.

Do we need any technical expertise to create a podcast?

No, you don't need any technical expertise to create a podcast with the Parish Podcast Project. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire process and handle all the technical aspects, from recording and production to distribution.

Can we customize the content of our podcast?

Yes, absolutely. We provide Catholic content that can be tailored to your parish's specific needs and interests. You can also incorporate local segments recorded by your parish, creating a unique and engaging podcast for your community.

How long does it take to launch a podcast?

The time it takes to launch a podcast may vary depending on factors such as content development, recording schedules, and production needs. Our team will work closely with you to ensure a timely launch, while maintaining high quality standards.

What are the costs associated with creating a podcast with the Parish Podcast Project?

As a non-profit organization, our goal is to make podcasting accessible and affordable for Catholic parishes. We offer grants to parishes who cannot afford to underwrite their own podcast. Some churches use the "bulletin model" to underwrite their podcast, while some churches can easliy afford the very low fees to get started.

How can we support the Parish Podcast Project?

You can support our mission by sharing our services with other Catholic parishes, volunteering your skills and expertise, or making a financial contribution to help us continue providing affordable podcasting services to Catholic communities.

Do you work with Catholic dioceses?

Yes, we work directly with Catholic dioceses to help multiple parishes in their diocese begin podcasting and we're able to allow them to contribute "regional content" that would appear on all local podcasts in their diocese.